Launch News: Level 2 Available January 2, 2023!

We’re thrilled to announce that Level 2 of our program will be available to purchase beginning on January 2, 2023.

If your child is bringing home paragraphs that are unexamined facts strung together with phrases such as “first,” “in conclusion,” or “in my opinion,” or routinely writes texts that are riddled with mechanical errors, then Level 2 is for you!

Level 2 is designed for kids who are comfortable writing sentences and short texts, but are not yet adept at writing high-quality arguments at the paragraph level. We teach your child how to write high-quality arguments in miniature, but also, as with all June Writers chapters, incorporate lessons on grammar, spelling, Greek & Latin word roots, and editing—plus civics, a special layer for Level 2. Learn more about our approach to writing paragraphs here and then check out one of our Level 2 sample practices here for what this looks like in practice. When your child logs into Level 2, they’ll also have access to all of our lessons from Level 1 as well as regular Live Help Hours and feedback and assessments.

We can’t wait to introduce your child to the wonderful world of argument!

June Writers Academy

The writing & critical thinking program for kids.

Gift cards now available!


Parent Tips: Practice 2.8.2