Frequently Asked Questions

Please take a moment to review our FAQs, which may answer your question. If you still have a question, please use the form below to contact us. We do our best to respond to all inquiries as promptly as possible.

  • Full Members

    Please read our blog post on this question for more details.

    10-Week Courses

    Please see our Summer Program page for more details.

    Free Editing Puzzles

    Please see our Free Editing Puzzles page for more details.

  • June Writers is online. All of our video lessons and content is accessed online, and our Live Help Hour sessions are online.

  • Our level assignments are based on ability, not age or grade, because highly intelligent children often buck age and grade categories. Please see our recommendations on where to start your child here.

  • Our 10-week courses are designed for families who want their child(ren) to learn a specific skill set in a compressed period of time. These courses have a set curriculum that draws from our full curriculum but expects kids to move quickly. We assign due dates to these practices.

    Full Membership families move through our full, multi-skill curriculum at a pace set by the family.

  • The price for one of our 10-week courses is slightly higher—though still extremely affordable compared to most programs and tutoring—because we expect students in these courses to move through the material more quickly than our full members. Creating feedback for each student’s work takes time and money, and our pricing reflects this heavier workload for us.

  • Yes, though we use a different strategy for teaching argument development, our curriculum aligns with Common Core standards.

  • Full Members

    • Level 1 & Lesson 2.1-2.2 in Level 2: We recommend completing two to five practices per week.

    • Lesson 2.3+ in Level 2+: We recommend completing at least one practice a week.

    Regular writing keeps skills and concepts fresh in your child’s head. Note that as your child moves into the more complex practices, they may need to take more than one day to complete an item. Once your child reaches Lesson 2.3, we will likely ask them to make edits to their practices before considering them complete.

    10-Week Courses

    Check the webpage for your particular course to see our recommended pacing.

    Grammar & Punctuation

    Writing Arguments

    Essay Workshop

    If your child wants to move slower or faster through the material, please contact us. Your child has a two-week additional buffer period in their access to the course to account for vacations.

  • Please see our Tips for Parents blog post on assessment. If you have questions about specific scores we’ve given your child’s tests, please email

  • Wonderful. Please explore our resources for teachers and tutors here. Contact us here if you have additional questions.

  • Yes, our curriculum is secular. Our content overlays are focused on the basics of civics.

  • You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your Account on our website and clicking cancel. When you cancel, your child will have access to our SeeSaw classroom, including all their work, until the end of that month’s subscription period. At the end of the month, we will archive your child’s account. You are welcome to reactive their account at any time and re-access your child’s work.

Contact Form

Have a more immediate problem or question? Text or call us at (415) 289-9246.