New Features Coming in 2025
We’ve been fairly quiet on our blog for a few months as we’ve put our heads down and focused on helping our wonderful students and developing new features. Watching our Full Membership students grow as writers and thinkers makes us smile. It especially rewarding to see students who had trouble noticing mechanical issues now regularly spot and fix their errors, kids who struggled to organize and connect their thoughts write compelling essays, and already deep thinkers uncover new levels of questions and insights (e.g., “What does it mean to be fair?” “Is my argument valid or sound?” “Does my argument rest on faulty assumptions or a logical fallacy?”). Our goal is to make these opportunities for growth available to as many elementary and middle school kids as possible.
To that end, here is some of what we’re excited to roll out in 2025:
Join our newsletter to be the first to access these new features. We will also be announcing our summer camp programs for 2025 in the spring.