Parent Tips: Lesson 4.4

Take a deep breath because you’re about to walk into sacred kid territory: emotional formatting. As you no doubt know, most kids love emojis, wild colors, varied fonts, bolded words, etc., and they’re not willing to give up these simple joys without a fight. In fairness, asking kids to write without those fun tools is like asking them to give up childhood, stripping away all the color and wonder for a cookie-cutter presentation.

Many, many kids truly prefer the look of this sentence to all the others in this post!!!!!!!!!! 🤪🛼🍰☠️☠️☠️

This is why June Writers doesn’t tell kids that emotional formatting is bad or always wrong. Instead, we use the concept of audience to help them understand when to use emotional formatting and why. We also teach them to see and believe in the power of their words; that they don’t need the extra exclamation mark because their point is already so strong. If you’re struggling to get your kid to stop adding death skull emojis to their schoolwork, we encourage you to use the same logic.

June Writers Academy

The writing & critical thinking program for kids.

Parent Tips: Lesson 1.10


Parent Tips: Practices 3.10.2-3.10.5