Sample Practice: Level 4
Level 4: Grammar & Punctuation for Life focuses on grammar and advanced punctuation. Though we teach grammar and punctuation conventions beginning right away in Level 1, Level 4 goes deep into word cases, sentence word functions, commas, dashes, emotional formatting, semi-colons, and other conventions. We move quickly from sentence-level work to applying new skills at the paragraph and then multi-paragraph level as well as part of critical reading work. We do this because working on longer-form texts forces kids to absorb the skill and reasoning behind the skill on a deeper level, and it keeps them writing.
Practice 4.2.2: Fixing Run-On Sentences builds on what your child has already learned about commas to help them notice and fix common run-on sentence configurations. We test your child’s understanding of these common errors through a combination of writing and multiple-choice questions. Bright kids pick up concepts quickly, so all of our practices move at a fast pace, appropriate to their mental agility.
Ready for your child to use punctuation and grammar conventions with ease? Sign up for June Writers Academy today!