The June Writers Academy Blog
Your guide to supporting your child’s development as a writer and thinker.
Sample Practice: Spelling
How does June Writers teach spelling? See an example practice from Level 4.
Sample Practice: Level 4
Practice 4.2.3: Fixing Run-On Sentences builds on what your child has already learned about commas to help them notice and fix common run-on sentence configurations.
Sample Practice: Level 3
Practice 3.8.3: Playing the Believing Game 1 is the first half of a big new skill for kids: critical analysis of the content and form of a text. The Believing and Doubting Games ask kids to play pretend and first, imagine that they believe absolutely everything in the text and use that believing brain to analyze what the text is saying and doing.
Sample Practice: Level 2
In Practice 2.3.3: Creating Argument Sentences, we teach kids to build argument sentences that already contain two layers of thought.
Sample Practice: Roots
See what a typical Greek and Latin roots practice looks like in our curriculum.
Sample Practice: Level 1
Practice 1.3.2: Captions 1 asks kids to apply what they learned in our video lesson on foundational sentence grammar by writing declarative sentences to describe a picture and labeling the subjects, predicates, and verbs of their sentences.