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Join NowPractice 1.2.3 Periods & Question Marks NEW
What you need to know about ending punctuation:
Periods. A period is the small, single dot that we put at the end of the last word in a sentence to indicate the end of that sentence.
There is no space before the period mark and one space before the start of the first word of the next sentence.
Question Marks. A question mark is the ? that we put at the end of the last word in a sentence to indicate both the end of that sentence and that the sentence is a question.
There is no space before the question mark and one space before the start of the first word of the next sentence.
We only use the question mark when the entire sentence is a question, not when a question is embedded in a larger sentence.
The exception is when you use a direct quote within your sentence.
The Big Idea. We use ending punctuation to help our readers see where our thought ends, and to give our readers a mental breath before diving into the next thought.
We specifically use question marks to let readers know that the sentence is a question.
We recommend putting the period or question mark directly after the emoji, with no space 🤓. This is for situations with multiple sentences.
Put the emoji after the ending punctuation if it is at the end of a text. 🤓